We are committed to Diagnostic Excellence with a Personal Touch

Quality Policy

Primary Care

To improve the quality of healthcare services in Bihar.


To generate reliable and reproducible results.


To establish the credibility of the laboratory among doctors and the Public at large.


Regular up-gradation of the laboratory using Manual, Automated and Rapid tests.


Strict application of medical protocols.


Counselling the patients regarding their tests during the delivery of reports to them.


To provide 24 hrs. Services in emergency cases.


Making the employees Quality-conscious.

A Simple, Affordable Approach to Health Care

    We strive for safe operations, technological up-gradation and cost reduction while ensuring a clean environment.
    World-renowned internal quality control through BioRad, USA.
    WHO recognized external quality assurance system (EQAS) through Randox, UK , Human, Germany and SYSMEX, Japan are the foundations of our quality management system.
    Our policy encircles involvement of people and their development, which is our main strength to provide effective & prompt services towards patients’ betterment.

Quality Objectives

Value for Money

To provide best test results with economy so that the patients get best priced of satisfaction

Continuous Up-gradation

To continuously enrich our laboratory with latest methodology and technology by addition of latest machines and methods


To continuously collect customer’s feedback through different sources with a view to improve our services

Library Enrichment

To continuously enrich our in-house library with books, journals and manuals to keep the laboratory abreast with the latest in the field


To provide the best in health care, the employees to be continuously trained, both on day to day basis as well as through special sessions

Quick Response

To immediately attend to customer’s complaints / suggestions and take both corrective and preventive actions within a specified time period

Prompt Delivery

To stick to prompt and scheduled delivery. Any deferments due to unavoidable circumstances are to be sorted out amicably with the respective patients or with their relatives


To strive for safe sample collection to prevent in totality any cross infection during sample collection procedure


To continuously add new parameters of specialized tests


To improve continuously the duration of tests with the help of latest machines and latest technology and by removing any administrative gaps

Environmental Safety

To provide safe, clear & pollution free environment


To regularly follow and update regulatory and mandatory provisions


To have internal quality audits at regular interval of 6 months

Review Quality Documents

To review the quality documents in totality at intervals of the 3 years

Regular Quality Checks

To calibrate machines, measuring tools and chemicals regularly and as per norms